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Nenhuma das informações, análises ou opiniões neste site constitui uma oferta ou conselho, ou uma solicitação, recomendação ou sugestão da Kerry Logistics Network Limited (a "Empresa"), suas subsidiárias, empresas associadas ou afiliadas (coletivamente o "Grupo") ou seus respectivos diretores, funcionários, agentes, representantes ou associados (coletivamente "os Representantes do Grupo") para comprar ou vender ou de outra forma negociar quaisquer títulos, ações, futuros, opções ou outros derivados e instrumentos financeiros ou a prestação de consultoria de investimento.

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The information on this website is for reference and general information purposes only and should not be relied upon for investment decision purposes.

The information on this website, including without limitation to any stock price, market data and analyst coverage, is for reference and general information purposes only and should not be relied upon for investment decision purposes. None of the information, analyses or opinion on this website constitutes an offer or advice, or a solicitation, recommendation or suggestion by Kerry Logistics Network Limited (the “Company”), its subsidiaries, associated or affiliated companies (collectively the “Group”) or their respective directors, employees, agents, representatives or associates (collectively “the Group Representatives”) to buy or to sell or otherwise to deal in any securities, shares, futures, options or other financial derivatives and instruments or the provision of investment advice.

The Company, the Group and the Group Representatives take no responsibility and make no representation and/or guarantee as to the accuracy, validity, timeliness, completeness and/or reliability of any information including without limitation to the stock price information, data, analyses or opinion displayed on this website or other websites linked to this website (the “Contents”). The Company, the Group and the Group Representatives further disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss and/or damages of whatsoever nature (whether based on contract, tort or otherwise, and whether direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or otherwise) arising from or in connection with any delays, inaccuracies, omission, incompleteness or otherwise of the Contents, or the transmission or the inaccessibility thereof, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.